South Australian Government Schools

South Australian Government Schools

Cricos Provider Number :  00018A

Address : Adelaide SA 5000

Website :

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

South Australian Government Schools have been recognized by many institutions around the world in providing outstanding education, welfare including counselling and guidance services.


Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia, surrounded in nature and attractive beaches. The city is quite modernized, contrasting to other cities in Australia as the city provides the utmost convenience in regards to living and studying there. Adelaide is the ideal city for international students looking for experiencing something new altogether.

Curriculum & Qualifications

Each school in South Australia varies according to the number of subjects and electives provided. However, most schools will have core subjects: Maths, Science, Arts, Technology, Design, Language, Social Studies and so forth. Students in Year 11 and Year 12 will have the option to choose the subjects according to their interest and talents.

English Language Support

The schools provide intensive English courses for international students aimed at enhancing their English skills (reading, writing and conversing). The staff is dedicated to ensuring each student will be well-equipped and prepared to tackle subjects with ease. Students will also have the option to enrol in additional extra English courses as well.

Entry requirement

Students are required to present their academic records in English, reflecting the student’s academic performance during the last 2 years of study. Additionally, students must demonstrate their proficiency in English for the school to determine the suitable grade to enrol the student in. However, in the case the student does not meet the school’s English requirement; the student must enrol in additional (and intensive) English classes to fulfil the English criteria set by the school.

Support Services for International Students

The South Australian Government Schools provide English language courses for international students, as well as academic and career advising. There are teachers who speak more than one language at the schools to ensure the student can easily communicate with the staff members. Additionally, the school has a buddy system where the school teams the international student with a local student in aims of helping the international student be accustomed to the school system and life in Australia.

Westminster School

Westminster School

Cricos Provider Number : 00602G

School Type : Co-Educational boarding School

Address : Alison Avenue, Marion, SA 5043

Website :

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Westminster School is a coeducational school and serves as a day and boarding school. Presently, the school has over 700 students enrolled in Grade 8 – 12. Founded in 1961, the 150 acre campus consists of modern buildings, services and facilities that are surrounded by the natural beauty of Adelaide.


Westminster School is located in Marion and 11 kilometres or 15 minutes away from the international airport in Adelaide. Students are able to commute to and from the school with ease by train, bus and school buses.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Graduates from Westminster School will receive a South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). At the end of each semester, the school issues out report cards allowing both the students and parents to review the child’s academic progress.

English Language Support

Every student from Year 10 – 12 will study English as a Second Language (ESL). Each class is comprised of a small group of students and are taught by qualified teachers, accustomed to teaching foreign students.


Students can choose to live in the school dorms or choose homestay where they will stay with an Australian family.  Students who choose to live with homestay families quickly grasp the English language, as well as being integrated into the Australian culture. Students who choose to stay in the dorms will be presented with facilities to ensure maximum comfort. Also, there will be an on-site staff ready to assist students in both boarding and homestay locations.

Support Services for International Students

There are school officials or International Student Co-Coordinators (ISC) that help mentor or guide the students whether it is about academics or about their well-being.

Academic Achievements

Each year, students are able to register and enrol for a variety of subjects across various fields at the university. Subjects such as: Medicine, Law, Economics, Science, Engineering, Finance and Accounting and such. Graduates from the school successfully attend universities across Australia and in other countries worldwide.


Seymour College

Seymour College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00628G

Name of School : Seymour College

School Type : Girls School

Website :

Address : 546 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia


Seymour College is a girls’ day and boarding school to Year 12, offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Here at Seymour College we are passionate about offering our girls an outstanding education, and helping them flourish as learners, and as people. Seymour inspires within each student a passion for life-long learning, a celebration of community and a quest for personal excellence. The vision is to foster women of strength, optimism and justice, contributing to an equitable world for all.

Academic Achievement

The 2015 Results

  • The median ATAR achieved was 92.25
  • 14 students (14%) were in the top 1% nationally, with an ATAR of 99+
  • 23 students (23%) were in the top 2% nationally, with an ATAR of 98+
  • 38 students (38%) were in the top 5% nationally, with an ATAR of 95+
  • 58 students (57%) were in the top 10% nationally, with an ATAR of 90+

Curriculum and Qualifications

IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma)

South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)


Adelaide, Australia just 10 minutes from the City of Adelaide, South Australia.

Fraser Coast Anglican College


Address – Fraser Coast, Hervey Bay Queensland

Website –

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Fraser Coast Anglican College is located on 64 acres land with the beauty of the farm and surrounded by nature. The school has facilities such as large size classrooms, 6 computer rooms with high speed internet, 2 large music school and a big canteen. In the year 2008, the school had 800 students, ranging from kindergarten to grade 12, along with 70 teachers. The school expertise in Nautical Science studies, employing two large vessels, including canoe which gives the student a chance to be out on the cruise to witness the beauty of the coast of Hervey Bay and Fraser Island.


The school is located in Doolong South Road, surrounded by beautiful nature and environment. Harvey Bay beach is about 5 minutes away.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Most of the students who are studying with us have excellent grades, including the outstanding Nautical Science studies, cultural studies and sports. Thus, each year, most of our students get accepted to their desire universities both in Australia and around the world.


The school has an appointed Homestay Coordinator who takes care of the students during their stay in Australia with Homestay. Which each of these homestay has under-go detailed background check and house inspection and are qualified by Working with Children Organization Certificate. Students will be living with an Australian family in a warm and friendly home, with a 24 hour help if needed. Students will get to learn new experiences as well as Australian traditions and lifestyle.

Support Services for International students

The school has the staff is dedicated to taking care of foreign students. Have you both worked full time and other nationals who work specially, staff who provide counseling on the course, nursing staff other staff and teachers will be waiting. Assist students.

Mercedes College

Mercedes College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00365D

Name of School : Mercedes College

School Type : Co-educational School

Boarding/ other : Homestay

Website :

Address : 540 Fullarton Rd, Springfield, South Australia 5062, Australia


Mercedes College is a co-educational school for students from pre-school to Year 12. Mercedes has welcomed International Students from Europe, South America and Asia to complete their secondary education. The school is located on an extensive and safe campus with full facilities supported. Teachers and staffs at Mercedes are expertise whom focus on both academic and outdoor activities. Mercedes College was established since 1954 and welcomed international students for more than 40 years. Mercedes College is also a member of Council of International School, International Baccalaureate Organization and International Schools Association.

Curriculum and Qualifications

At Mercedes, students from primary and junior school can only chose to study International Baccalaureate or IB program. Students in the Senior School can chose to study the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) or the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Both the IB Diploma and SACE will qualify students for Universities within Australia and overseas.

At Mercedes College, there are a range of subjects provided to meet each student’s need, such as music, arts, film and dramatic arts, languages, science, mathematics, humanities, physical education, and other outdoor activities

Academic Achievement

Mercedes College is well recognized for outstanding achievements in both the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme and the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

In 2016, students achieved strong academic performance, which 95% of students being offered their first preference. The highest scores of international students were 99.80%, 95.85% and 94.8% respectively. Besides, 34% of students achieved more than 90% and 60% of students achieved more than 80%


Mercedes College is located in Adelaide with outstanding views of seas and mountains. It takes only 15 minutes from Mercedes College to the city

Hills International College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00997E

Address : Lot 4 Johanna St. Jimboomba QLD 4280

Website :

Philosophy : Special Features, Brief history

Hills International College was founded in 1992 and proudly accepts international students from around the world. Many students from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea and Germany choose Hill International College as their school of choice. The school is committed to providing an updated, rigorous and relevant curriculum geared toward the 21st century learner to maximise a student’s learning abilities. The school is small and supports a safe and supportive and community-like environment for students to exchange intercultural values as well as successfully develop their academic career.


The school is located in Jimboomba, Queensland.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Fresh graduates will receive the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), a certificate that is well-recognized by many universities nationally and abroad.


Hills International College provides boarding facilities to both male and female students on campus and they are a short walking distance to the college itself. The 4-person rooms are designed as a motel-styled accommodation, fully furnished with a kitchenette, private showering areas, toilets and sink. All students will be in possession of their personal laptops and televisions in the rooms. The school provides students with cleaning contractors, attending to the students’ laundry needs. Bed linen is changed weekly and the student’s personal laundry is done 3 days per week. Students will also have the option to stay with a Homestay family arranged by the college. The college has over 10 years’ experience with homestay services, dedicated to ensuring each student’s happiness, needs and well-being are met while living in Australia.

Christ Church Grammar School

Cricos Provider Number : 00433G

Address : Queenslea Dr, Claremont WA 6010 Australia

Website :

School Type : Boy,  day and boarding Schools

Philosophy : Special Features, Brief history

Christ Church Grammar School is an all boys’ boarding school. The school was founded in 1910 and focuses on developing each student’s existing talent according to the Angelican principals of the school.


Christ Church Grammar School has 4 campuses:

  • Claremont Campus
  • Mount Claremont Playing Fields
  • Brockway, Mount Claremont
  • Kooringal

The main campus is located in Claremont Campus, located 9 kilometres from downtown Perth.


The school provides a boarding facility and staff to ensure conveniences of each student are met during their stay.

Support Services for International students

A coordinator will be supervising all international students, take responsibility and assist students during the school year. The coordinator will be in constant contact with the student’s parents or guardians to discuss problems or concerns the student encounters at the school.

Curriculum & Qualifications

Students will have the flexibility to choose subjects from the 8 disciplines offered at the school in Year 7 to Year 10: Mathematics, Science, English, Arts, Computer Science, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Health and Languages. Students in Year 11 and Year 12 will be able to choose any subject of their choice.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Each year students who graduate from Christ Church Grammar School enrols in world-recognized universities across Australia.

Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School

CRICOS Provider Number : 00533D

Website :

Address : Cnr Queen Victoria Parade & Chermside Road, East Ipswich, QLD, AUSTRALIA 4305

School Type : Co-ed (Perp. To Year 4), Girls only (Year 5 – 12), boarding School

Philosophy – Special Feature and Brief History

Ipswich Girl’s Grammar School is an all girls’ boarding school, founded in 1892. The school serves as a coeducational school, starting from Preparatory to Year 4 and from Year 5 to Year 12 onwards, it is an all girls’ school The school’s mission aims to create confident young women excelling in academic studies and preparing them to succeed in the future. Students at the school will benefit from careful instruction, hands-on experience, employing independent thought and problem solving skills as well as the freedom to explore artistic creativity. The school is driven on teaching students to apply the knowledge they gained from the classroom to practical uses elsewhere.


The Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School is located within a fresh, lush and safe environment in the south-eastern area of Queensland, in Ipswich District. Students can easily commute to and from school using the train or bus.

Curriculum and Qualifications

The school has 2 curriculums:

  • Middle School: Years 7 to Year 9 – The curriculum is focused on preparing students to entire their senior year.
  • Senior School: Years 10 to Year 12 – The curriculum are focused on providing a diverse range of subjects to match students’ interests.

The subjects offered by the school are: English, Mathematics, Science, Health & Physical Education and Life Skills. Other courses include: Business & Vocational Education, Modern Languages, SOSE (Social Sciences), Sport, Health & Physical Education, Technology and Visual & Performing Arts.

Academic Achievement/ Other Notable Achievements

Students who graduate from Year 12 graduate with outstanding academic results which are recognized and respected throughout Queensland.


Students have the option to board at the campus’s Cribb House, a pleasant dormitory fully furnished with modern conveniences and amenities for students to utilize during their stay. Students will be able to board from Year 7 onwards.

PLC Perth

PLC Perth

CRICOS Provider Number : 

Website :

Address : PO Box 126 Cottesleoe, WA, AUSTRALIA 6911

School Type : Girl, Boarding School

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history        

PLC is an all girls’ boarding school with an outstanding reputation, founded in 2915. The school aims to develop the confidence of each student and strive to become successful in the future. PLC is committed to developing each student’s unique trait and ability to benefit themselves and society. The school encourages the students to not only limit their academic learning in classrooms but also gain knowledge through participating in social activities. School sets up sporting events, concerts, festivals and takes students on excursions. The aim of PLC is to create a friendly learning environment for students to learn, develop and exchange cultural knowledge with one another.


PLC is not located far from downtown Perth and is easily accessible by train and bus.

 Curriculum and Qualifications

The school employs the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) curriculum for Year 11 and Year 12 students, including the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme.  The International Baccalaureate (IB) programme is a highly respected programme and is recognized by leading universities around the world.

English Language Support

PLC teaches English as a Second Language (ESL) Programme to international students who wish to better develop and enhance their English skills. The course not only teaches English, but the course lets students to become familiar with the educational system and structure in Australia.

Pathways to University

Students in PLC choose to enrol in leading universities in Perth and other leading universities across Australia.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

In 2012, 100% of all Year 12 students successfully graduated under the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) curriculum with average scores of:

  • 4% of students received an ATAR score higher than 99.00 (Top 1% of Western Australia)
  • 25% of students received an ATAR score higher than 95.00 (Top 5% of Western Australia)
  • 53% of students received an ATAR score higher than 90.00 (Top 10% of Western Australia)


PLC provides boarding facilities for students in Year 7 to Year 12. There will be an on-site staff to supervise and assist the students.

Support Services for International Students

PLC is fully equipped with on-hand staff to assist and facilitate international students to ensure each student is well-taken of at the school. Support Services include a principal to that assists students through their development and encourages the student to participate in school activities and events. PLC Support Services offer Year Coordinators for each Year; staff members efficiently coordinate with parents to ensure each student is on track in their academic ventures. Additionally, Support Services include a tutor to aid students with coursework and homework.

Ipswich Grammar School

Cricos Provider Number : 00499A

Address : Cnr Burnett & Darling Street,  Grammar School Hill Ipswich 4305

Website :

School Type : Boys Boarding School

Philosophy : Special Features, Brief history

Ipswich Grammar School was founded in 1863 and served as Queensland’s first all boys’ high school in the state. The school’s curriculum provides students with a wide diversity of interesting subjects; from Political Science, Education, Military, Science, Music, Arts, Medicine and Law.


Ipswich Grammar School is located in the south-eastern area of Queensland, in Ipswich District. Ipswich is a 40 minute to 1 hour drive from Brisbane and Gold Coast.

Curriculum and Qualifications

The school’s curriculum is based on providing students with practical subjects to apply them in the future. Students can choose a myriad of subjects that interests them. Subjects range from Legal Studies, Mathematic, Accounting, Information Processing and Technology and Trade & Business Mathematics.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Every year, 90% of the students from Ipswich Grammar School receive Offer Letters from prestigious universities across Australia. Currently, a large number of students who graduate from the school continue onwards to take up high positions in their respective careers.

English Language support

Students will be able to take extra English courses taught by qualified and experienced English teachers.


The school provides a dormitory located within a safe and secure environment to ensure each student’s needs are met during their stay. The dormitory provides a full range of facilities, amenities including a 3-course meal.

Support Services for International students

There are counsellors who will be able to advise students about school or about living in Australia. Students can discuss all matters of interest with the staff including attractive travel destinations, tourist attractions and so forth.

Western Australia Government School

Western Australia Government School

Cricos Provider Number : 01723A
Address : Level 2, 123 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth WA 6004
Website :
School Type : Co – Educational Schools

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Schools in Western Australia provide students with a large range of elementary and high schools, each possessing a large and healthy local and international student population. Each school’s mission is centred on promoting student learning and enabling students to practice self-reliance and to effectively solve problems independently and in a group environment. Students gain the flexibility of choosing an array of subjects to according to their interests; dance, music, art and design are some of the many courses offered by schools in WA.


Perth is considered a very safe city to live and study in Western Australia. There is a healthy international community in Perth, making the city filled with different cultures and traditions from around the globe.


Students living in Perth will be able to live with their parents or relatives. For students in Secondary Schools, the Australian Government will provide a Homestay service.

Entry requirements for overseas students

Entry Requirements differ from school to school for international students. Schools in Western Australia will accept international students based on their English performance and testing results.

Support Services for International students

Each school in Western Australia has an International Student coordinator, a role issued to a specialized staff whose sole responsibility is to take care of the student. The coordinator will be in constant communication with the student and parents, discussing any problems or concerns the student may encounter.

Pathways to University

There are 4 ways students can enter university:

  • Year 12 graduates who successfully completed their final exams can use their ENTER Scores from Tertiary Entrance Examinations (TEE) and apply to any college or university.
  • Year 11 students can choose the University Foundation Program at Tuart College or Canning College, in aid students to prepare for university.
  • Students will be able to enrol into Edith Cowan University in presenting their portfolios in Year 11 and Year 12.
  • Students in Year 11 and Year 12 can use their results to apply for a Vocational Certificate. Once students receive their Vocational Certificate, they can enrol into university and continue their undergraduate career.

Curriculum & Qualifications

In Year 7 to Year 10, the courses are divided into 8 disciplines: Mathematics, Science, English, Arts, Computer Science, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Health and Languages. Students in Year 11 and Year 12 will be able to choose any subject according to their interest.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Each year, the students in WA schools have shown and maintained high test scores in TEE. Many of those who graduated from the schools continued onwards to become famous politicians, writers, scientists, artists and famous athletes including a highly successful businessman.

John Paul International College

John Paul International College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00500B

Website :

Address : John Paul Drive, Daisy Hill, Brisbane, QLD,AUSTRALIA 4127

School Type : Co-educational, Day schools

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Founded in 1982, John Paul International College is the leading private school Brisbane, Queensland. The school is recognized as one of Australia’s leading technological colleges and is fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology to aid student throughout their academic careers. The classrooms and buildings are modern and are completed with the latest facilities to ensure the students are well-taken cared of. Internet access is provided throughout the campus giving students the opportunity to work outside the classroom with ease. In addition to the technological services and facilities provided by the school, John Paul International College highly encourages the students to participate in sports, performing arts and music as well.


John Paul International College is situated in Brisbane’s south and it takes only 20 minutes to travel to Brisbane’s city centre. Students can travel to the college via the bus, as well as travel to Gold Coast.

Entry requirements for overseas students

The school will accept students on the basis of their educational performance recorded in the past 2 years and an IELTS and TOEFL scores. However, if the student does not meet the English requirements, the school provides preparatory courses and assistance before the student is able to attend classes.

Pathways to University

To help students prepare for university, John Paul International College offers the University Entry Program (UEP); a program designed to aid and prepares students for higher education. The programme offers a Certificate IV course, a basic (and mandatory) course required for all subjects. Under the UEP programme, students from John Paul International College are able to choose the Bridging Programme, shared between the college, Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University. Additionally, once students successfully pass the university’s set requirements and criteria, the student will be able to choose from 100 different universities around the world to continue their studies.

Academic Achievement /Other Notable Achievements

John Paul International College has been chosen as 1 out of 10 best colleges in Australia to attend as it is renowned for its outstanding curriculum and technological services. Students from the college perform with exceptional results across a variety of fields. The college has been awarded the Excellence and Innovation in International Education Award from the IDP.


The college provides homestay services for students. Students will be staying with a homestay family, handpicked by the school to ensure the student will live comfortably during the school year. Each student will gain access to their own private bedrooms. Upon landing at the airport, staff from the school will warmly greet and welcome the students before touring the students around Brisbane and dropping them off at their homestay.

Support Service for International Students

The teachers at John Paul International college are highly trained and are experienced with teaching and understanding the needs of all international students. The staff members of the college are ready to assist and advise students on any matter; from school issues to personal matters, a member of the staff will be readily available to help. The college is also best-known for its dedication in welcoming students at the airport to touring students around Brisbane. Additionally, Daisy Hill campus provides 24-hour security as well as an on-site nursing staff, counsellor plus a dedicated staff member to look after students in homestay. The college furthermore provides a High School Preparation Course (HSPC) for students over the age of 12, focusing in English, maths, sciences and business administration subjects. The course’s objective is to effectively prepare students in these fields of study before school term commences.