Beaconhills College


Beaconhills College

ที่อยู่: 92 Kangan Dr, Berwick VIC 3806


ประเภทโรงเรียน: สหศึกษา แบบประจำและไป-กลับ


History, Philosophy and Special Features

Beaconhills College ก่อตั้งขึ้นเมื่อปี 1982 ทางตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ของ Melbourne เป็นโรงเรียนสหศึกษาตาม แนวคริสตจักร มีระบบการเรียนการสอนที่ทันสมัยและก้าวไกล เพื่อเปิดโอกาสมากมายเพื่อให้นักเรียนได้พัฒนา ศักยภาพไปจนสู่ความสำเร็จในอนาคต

student Beaconhills College

Curriculum and Qualification

โรงเรียนเปิดสอนในหลักสูตร Victorian Certificate of Education หรือ VCE ตามแบบฉบับของโรงเรียนใน รัฐ Victoria ซึ่งมีหลักสูตรให้นักเรียนได้เลือกเรียนมากมายตามความสนใจ

Academic Achievement

กว่า 80% ของนักเรียนชั้น Year 12 สามารถสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัยระดับ Top ของ Australia อย่าง Monash University ได้ รวมทั้งมหาวิทยาลัยชั้นนำต่าง ๆ ทั่วโลก

Support Services for International Students

ทางโรงเรียนให้ความสำคัญกับสุขภาพและความเป็นอยู่ของนักเรียนเป็นอย่างมาก เพื่อให้เกิดความมั่นใจว่า นักเรียนของ Beaconhills จะมีความเป็นอยู่ที่ดีที่สุด ทางโรงเรียนจึงมีการประสานงานจากหลายฝ่าย ไม่ว่าจะ เป็น Head of International Education, Head of Boarding, Heads of House, Tutors & Teachers, School Nurse, Counsellors และ Chaplians เพื่อดูแลและให้คำปรึกษานักเรียนอย่างใกล้ชิด

Canterbury College

Canterbury College

Address: 182 Old Logan Village Rd, Waterford QLD 4133


โรงเรียน: สหศึกษาแบบประจำ

School Highlight/Special Features:

Canterbury College Canterbury College is an award-winning Kindergarten to Year 12 co-educational school in Queensland, Australia. Canterbury College develops confident, self-disciplined young people with high self-esteem who graduate with excellent results enrolling in academically demanding University studies. Canterbury College prepares students for a future of unlimited technological innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning through a diverse range of academic courses, extracurricular, exciting extension programs and excursions. On campus, the High School Preparation (HSP) Course, develops English language and vocabulary skills for Middle School and Senior School. The Canterbury College Arts Academy offers talented students extension and enrichment experiences with pathways to careers in the Arts. Canterbury students also gain experiences and skills outside the classroom, through camps, retreats, workshops and other on-campus activities and excursions that are academically-focused.

Tintern Grammar

Avalon College มอบทุนการศึกษา ฟรี!

Tintern Grammar

CRICOS Provider Number : 00348E
Address : 90 Alexandra Road, Ringwood East 3135, Victoria, Australia
Website :
School Type : Coeducational school

Avalon College มอบทุนการศึกษา ฟรี!


Tintern Grammar เป็นโรงเรียนสหศึกษาแบบประจำและ ไป-กลับ เปิดสอนมามากกว่า 135 ปี จุดเด่นของโรงเรียนนี้คือการสร้างแรงบันดาลใจให้นักเรียนในการพัฒนาตนเอง สร้างโอกาสในการค้นหาตนเอง และสร้างความมีระเบียบ เพื่อความสำเร็จด้านการเรียนของนักเรียนในระยะยาว โดยนักเรียนทุกคนจะได้รับการสนับสนุนให้พัฒนาศักยภาพของตนเองในทุกด้าน ไม่ว่าจะเป็นด้านวิชาการ การกีฬา หรือดนตรี ส่งเสริมให้นักเรียนเตรียมความพร้อมสำหรับการเข้ามหาลัยและการใช้ชีวิตในอนาคต อีกทั้งโรงเรียนยังเป็นที่ยอมรับอีกว่ามีสภาพแวดล้อมที่เอื้ออำนวยแก่การศึกษาอย่างดีเยี่ยม

Tintern ตั้งอยู่ในย่าน Ringwood East ซึ่งเป็นย่านศูนย์ราชการ อยู่ห่างจากเมือง Melbourne เพียง 25 กิโลเมตร

Curriculum and Qualifications
Tintern Grammar มีระบบการเรียนให้นักเรียนเลือก 2 ระบบ ได้แก่

  • หลักสูตร International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

โดยมีหลักสูตรและรายวิชาเรียนที่หลากหลาย เช่น การกีฬา ศิลปะ การแสดง และเทคโนโลยี

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements
60% ของนักเรียนชั้น Year 12 มีผลคะแนนเฉลี่ย ATAR อยู่ที่ 80 คะแนน หรือมากกว่า ซึ่งถือเป็น 20% ของนักเรียนชั้น Year 12 ทั่วประเทศ นอกจากนี้ คะแนน ATAR สูงที่สุดของนักเรียนที่นี่ อยู่สูงถึง 99.45 คะแนน (ซึ่งจัดอยู่ในกลุ่มที่มีคะแนนสูงที่สุดเพียง 1% ของจำนวนนักเรียนทั้งหมดของรัฐ Victoria ทั้งหมด)

Support Services for International Students
Tintern Grammar ให้ความสำคัญต่อการดูแลเอาใจใส่นักเรียนเป็นอย่างมาก ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการดูแลจากอาจารย์และเจ้าหน้าที่ในฝ่ายต่างๆ โดยมีสำนักงานที่คอยดูแลเด็กนักเรียนต่างชาติโดยเฉพาะ ซึ่งมีหน้าที่คอยช่วยเหลือนักเรียนต่างชาติในด้านต่างๆ เช่น การปรับตัว การเรียน และให้คำปรึกษาในทุกเรื่อง เพื่อช่วยให้นักเรียนรู้สึกอบอุ่นและสามารถปรับตัวให้เข้ากับ สภาพแวดล้อมใหม่ๆ ได้ง่ายขึ้น

Trinity Grammar School, KEW

Trinity Grammar School, Kew

CRICOS Provider Number : 00350M

Address : 40 Charles St, Kew VIC 3101 Australia

School Type : independent Anglican day and boarding school for boys

Trinity Grammar School Kew

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history

Trinity Grammar School is an Anglican-based school, which has been established for more than 100 years. Trinity Grammar School concerns student learning outcomes; therefore, the school provide students with the latest teaching & learning facilities, and quality education to every international student


The school is located 5 kilometers from Melborne’s CBD and accessible transportation routes. Students can travel to school by tram, train, and bus.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Core curriculum includes English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Information Technology and Personal Health and physical education (Please note: the information was last updated on 22/8/2017)

Pathways to Schools

Admission and the year level a student will enter, is based upon their ability in English, school reports and other information as requested. An English ability test is required before commencing at the school

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Students at the school have achieved notable academic milestones and many students successfully continue into university. Other notable achievements include:

  • 30% of all final year students achieved enrolment into the University of Melbourne and many of those students did a double major.
  • 23% of students entered the Faculty of Law, Commerce and Business Administration.
  • 18% of students pursued IT-related programs and degrees.
  • 7% of students chose to study medicine.

Many Year 12 successfully scored higher than the average score in Victoria combined.

1/3 of all students scored at the Top 10 of the state each year.


Boarders at Trinity Grammar School, Kew live in a close-knit community and are under the care of the boarding House Master and his family, who are committed to provide safe, supportive and nurturing home away from home.

Support Services for International students

The school provides care and support for international student as follows:

  • Academic assistance
  • Accommodation and guardianship
  • Issues relating to student visas
  • Medical issue

St Hilda’s School

St Hilda’s School

CRICOS Provider Number : 00510M

Address : Gate 2, Cougal Street Southport Queensland 4215

Website :

School Type : Gate 2, Cougal Street Southport Queensland 4215

St Hilda’s School

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history

St Hilda’s School has been offering a caring community life for boarders for more than a century and today, our community comprises 180 girls enrolled from Years 6 to 12. We also have boarders from the Gold Coast and nearby Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. Our international boarders and daughters from expatriate families contribute to our school’s diversity and rich cultural fabric


St Hilda’s School is located in the state of Queensland, 34 minutes away from Gold Coast Airport, and 22 minutes away from Robina Town Centre by car

Curriculum and Qualifications

The curriculum at St Hilda’s School offers a modern, innovative and lively learning environment to cater for the diverse needs of young women. The curriculum enables St Hilda’s School to develop an atmosphere where excellence is an expectation.

Pathways to Schools

The school looks forward to offering every assistance through the enrolment process

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

The majority of students who graduate from St Hilda’s School are able to attain famous universities as St Hilda’s School creates a strong relationship with many quality learning institution.


Students on a Student Visa are required to live with their parents, in the St Hilda’s Boarding House or in Approved Homestay Accommodation, which are located in safe and caring environment

Support Services for International students

The Australian Government wants International students in Australia to have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study. Australia’s laws promote quality education and consumer protection for international students. These laws are known as the ESOS framework.

Perth College

Perth College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00445D

Address : 31, Lawley Crescent, Mount Lawley, WA, 6050

Website :

School Type : Girls’ Day and Boarding School


Perth College is one of the oldest girls’ schools in Western Australia established in 1870. We believe having positivity, optimism and faith are an important part of each student’s journey to becoming the best version of herself. Therefore, we works hard to encourage all of our girls to be aware of their body, mind, heart and spirit and develop their own spirituality through challenging yet enlightening programs appropriate to each year level.


Perth College is located in the heart of Mount Lawley and only 3km from the central business district. The school is close to Edith Cowan University and the Swan River.

Curriculum and Qualifications

The girls are given the freedom to explore, experience, learn and find their talents and strengths through our academic program, which is designed to deliver a well-rounded education. The curriculum is underpinned by leading research in learning and teaching as well as the integration of information and communications technology to keep pace with global trends.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

  • 5 girls achieved an ATAR of 99+
  • 35 girls achieved an ATAR of 95+
  • 72 girls achieved an ATAR above 90
  • 99 girls received an ATAR above 80


The school provides boarding house for students from Years 7 to 12. We offer facilities include new bathrooms, computer labs and wireless technology, kitchenettes, laundries, common rooms for study, and air-conditioning and heating.

Avalon College

CRICOS Provider Number : 01803A

Website :

Address : 480 Avalon Road,Lara, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3212

School Type : Co-educational English language boarding school

Philosophy – Special Features Brief history

Avalon College is a boarding school especially for international students because the curriculum includes courses in English to help students prepare for the regular term in elementary and for high school. The atmosphere in Avalon College is more like a large family rather than a boarding school for the international students. It is maintained like this so the students feel at ease and feel safe to create a more efficient study environment. Avalon College does not only teach English to its students, but uses the Australian educational standard in teaching and evaluating students so they get accustomed and are prepared to enter regular classes. The college also has experienced English teachers who are able to teach students who do not speak English as their primary language.


Avalon College is located the state of Victoria, 45 minutes away from Melbourne’s International airport. Driving from the airport only takes 40 minutes.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Education in Avalon College focuses on enabling students to speak English and familiarity with the language. This is done by grouping international students together. Students will be taught listening, reading and mainly focus on writing. Apart from this, students will also work in groups and will be able to express their opinions and voice their thoughts in the classroom. They will also be able to experience firsthand the Australian culture. Avalon College has also launched short courses which consist of English learning together with exciting activities that will help the student excel in their language development in a short period of time.

Pathways to Schools

Avalon College provides advice and counseling for students who are unsure of where to continue their studies after graduating. Counseling is provided the college can help guide the best school for each student.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

The majority of students who graduate from Avalon College are mostly able to attend the top schools in Australia


Located in a safe and caring environment, Avalon College has all the facilities to facilitate the students learning progress. The school also provides 3 meals a day and has both Western and Asian meals.

Support Services for International students

General counseling is provided for all individual students including health (students can use their preferred language).

Prince Alfred College

Prince Alfed College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00368A

Website :

Address : Dequetteville Terrace, SA, AUSTRALIA 5071

School Type : Boys, Boarding and Day School

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Prince Alfred College is one of the leading schools for young boys in Australia. The school offers both Primary and Secondary education curriculums. Founded in 1869, the school is renowned for its leading educational programmes for over 140 years. Presently, Prince Alfred College provides students the opportunity to enrol into the highly prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) programme.

The school’s vision is based on “Inspiring Excellence” caters to a delivering a holistic experience, aimed at developing its students into respectable young men. Young men from the school undertake several activities, allowing them to grow both physically and mentally and exceed in academic achievements via sports, arts, teamwork and more.

The school is located near the centre of Adelaide and it takes only 15 minutes by car from the airport.


Based in Adelaide, the capital city South Australia, Prince Alfred College is only 10 minutes away from the city centre and is 15 minutes away from the airport. The school can be easily reached by train, bus or tram.

Curriculum and Qualifications

The school provides two programmes for students to choose from: International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) and South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). In addition, these 2 programmes, the college also provides the VET (Vocational Education and Training) course relating to hotel, agricultural and technical subjects.

English Language Support

Alfred College has a programme called The International Student Transition program (ISTP), a programme dedicated to providing students special tutoring and guidance prior to joining regular classes. Students in this program are given special attention and are divided into small groups to maximize learning. Once students successfully complete the programme (and fulfilling the programme’s requirements), they will then be able to attend regular classes.

Entry requirement

Students are to present their grades and results from their current school from Thailand together with AEAS scores.

Pathways to University

Students can use their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) to enrol for a Vocational Degree or through universities across Australia.  The International Baccalaureate programme gives students the competitive edge, allowing them to enter universities worldwide.

Academic Achievement /Other Notable Achievements

A handful of Year 12 students were accepted into leading universities into various faculties such as Law, Journalism and Engineering.

In 2012, students achieved an average IBDP ATAR score of 96.3 and SACE ATAR score of 85.3. As a result, a number of students received scholarships from many respected universities, including Harvard University.

Prince Alfred College has one of the largest alumni networks. The alumni association is the centre for business networks for professionals, including their graduates.


Prince Alfred College provides dorms for students from Year 8 – Year 12. Students living in school dorms are provided with extra classes and special tutoring which are taught in the evening. Students will also have the option to choose homestay accommodations as well.

Support Services

International students will receive full support from the teachers and staff, assisting students with school work or personal matters. Each year, the school holds various activities thus, the school encourages all students to participate as well as gain valuable experience building relationships with others as well as themselves.


Scotch College

Scotch College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00615B

Website :

Address : Carruth Road, Torrens Park, SA, AUSTRALIA 5062

School Type : Boys and Girls School (Co-ed) with Boarding

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Scotch College is a coeducational school established in 1919. Located just 8 kilometres from the centre of Adelaide, the school has a campus area of over 125 acres comprised of modern school buildings, dorms for boys and girls, gym and a sports field for various activities. Scots College provides SACE courses, they are standard courses used in South Australia and is recognized by universities in Australia and around the world. The school currently has students from countries such as Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and many others. In addition, the school provides high-speed internet to aid students in their studies and to easily research information relating to their coursework.

Curriculum and Qualifications

By offering the SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) courses, students in Year 10 – 12 will have the flexibility to choose subjects according to their interests. There are over 30 electives for the students in Year 12 to select from. With a large assortment of subjects to choose from, these courses are aimed to help students to discover their hidden interests and talents.

English Language Support

Scotch College provides English as a Second Language (ESL) course, specifically designed for students who do not speak English as their primary language. This courses focuses on enhancing the student’s English abilities by placing them in a small, tight-knit group. This allows the student to be comfortable and allows the teacher to effectively keep track of each student’s progress.

Academic Achievement / Other Notable Achievements

Graduates from Scotch College are high academic achievers and 35% of the graduates possess the top 10 highest scores in the state.


The school encourages all international students to stay in the school dorms as there will be on-site staff to take care and assist the students. The dorms can accommodate more than 80 students and dorms are separated by gender. Each dorm is staffed with a Head of House, supervising assistant, school tutors and a nurse.

Support Services for International students

The school has staff on board to assist international students in matters relating to counselling services to aid students in their studies and well-being in and out of school.

South Australian Government Schools

South Australian Government Schools

Cricos Provider Number :  00018A

Address : Adelaide SA 5000

Website :

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

South Australian Government Schools have been recognized by many institutions around the world in providing outstanding education, welfare including counselling and guidance services.


Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia, surrounded in nature and attractive beaches. The city is quite modernized, contrasting to other cities in Australia as the city provides the utmost convenience in regards to living and studying there. Adelaide is the ideal city for international students looking for experiencing something new altogether.

Curriculum & Qualifications

Each school in South Australia varies according to the number of subjects and electives provided. However, most schools will have core subjects: Maths, Science, Arts, Technology, Design, Language, Social Studies and so forth. Students in Year 11 and Year 12 will have the option to choose the subjects according to their interest and talents.

English Language Support

The schools provide intensive English courses for international students aimed at enhancing their English skills (reading, writing and conversing). The staff is dedicated to ensuring each student will be well-equipped and prepared to tackle subjects with ease. Students will also have the option to enrol in additional extra English courses as well.

Entry requirement

Students are required to present their academic records in English, reflecting the student’s academic performance during the last 2 years of study. Additionally, students must demonstrate their proficiency in English for the school to determine the suitable grade to enrol the student in. However, in the case the student does not meet the school’s English requirement; the student must enrol in additional (and intensive) English classes to fulfil the English criteria set by the school.

Support Services for International Students

The South Australian Government Schools provide English language courses for international students, as well as academic and career advising. There are teachers who speak more than one language at the schools to ensure the student can easily communicate with the staff members. Additionally, the school has a buddy system where the school teams the international student with a local student in aims of helping the international student be accustomed to the school system and life in Australia.

Westminster School

Westminster School

Cricos Provider Number : 00602G

School Type : Co-Educational boarding School

Address : Alison Avenue, Marion, SA 5043

Website :

Philosophy – Special Features, Brief history

Westminster School is a coeducational school and serves as a day and boarding school. Presently, the school has over 700 students enrolled in Grade 8 – 12. Founded in 1961, the 150 acre campus consists of modern buildings, services and facilities that are surrounded by the natural beauty of Adelaide.


Westminster School is located in Marion and 11 kilometres or 15 minutes away from the international airport in Adelaide. Students are able to commute to and from the school with ease by train, bus and school buses.

Curriculum and Qualifications

Graduates from Westminster School will receive a South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). At the end of each semester, the school issues out report cards allowing both the students and parents to review the child’s academic progress.

English Language Support

Every student from Year 10 – 12 will study English as a Second Language (ESL). Each class is comprised of a small group of students and are taught by qualified teachers, accustomed to teaching foreign students.


Students can choose to live in the school dorms or choose homestay where they will stay with an Australian family.  Students who choose to live with homestay families quickly grasp the English language, as well as being integrated into the Australian culture. Students who choose to stay in the dorms will be presented with facilities to ensure maximum comfort. Also, there will be an on-site staff ready to assist students in both boarding and homestay locations.

Support Services for International Students

There are school officials or International Student Co-Coordinators (ISC) that help mentor or guide the students whether it is about academics or about their well-being.

Academic Achievements

Each year, students are able to register and enrol for a variety of subjects across various fields at the university. Subjects such as: Medicine, Law, Economics, Science, Engineering, Finance and Accounting and such. Graduates from the school successfully attend universities across Australia and in other countries worldwide.


Seymour College

Seymour College

CRICOS Provider Number : 00628G

Name of School : Seymour College

School Type : Girls School

Website :

Address : 546 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia


Seymour College is a girls’ day and boarding school to Year 12, offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Here at Seymour College we are passionate about offering our girls an outstanding education, and helping them flourish as learners, and as people. Seymour inspires within each student a passion for life-long learning, a celebration of community and a quest for personal excellence. The vision is to foster women of strength, optimism and justice, contributing to an equitable world for all.

Academic Achievement

The 2015 Results

  • The median ATAR achieved was 92.25
  • 14 students (14%) were in the top 1% nationally, with an ATAR of 99+
  • 23 students (23%) were in the top 2% nationally, with an ATAR of 98+
  • 38 students (38%) were in the top 5% nationally, with an ATAR of 95+
  • 58 students (57%) were in the top 10% nationally, with an ATAR of 90+

Curriculum and Qualifications

IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma)

South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)


Adelaide, Australia just 10 minutes from the City of Adelaide, South Australia.